For Sale By Owner

For Sale by Owner

Selling your home yourself, the owner means you can avoid losing 5-6% of your equity toward paying your real estate agent’s commission. More importantly, in the event that you’re putting your house up for sale in a buyer’s market, finding a buyer can be challenging.

Now, if the buyer has their own agent who can handle the transaction, does a seller really need their own? If you want a fast sale, yes.

The buyer’s agent is exactly that—the buyer’s agent. If closing quickly isn’t a priority to the buyer, the agent will cater to her client’s needs during closing and put your desire for a fast sale second.

Aside from being your advocate, your agent will know all the tips and tricks for a fast sale from pre-listing through closing.

Those who do sell their homes fast typically do so because their buyer was a friend, relative or neighbour—and in that case, they are selling at an average 56% discount ($160, 300, compared to $250,000).

If you are set on selling yourself, you’ll need to get educated on all the closing documents you and your seller will need to successfully complete the sale. Therefore you’ll need to arrange for an attorney and title company to help you complete the transaction.

Without an expert to keep track of all the intricacies of the transaction, you cannot necessarily count on the sale to go quickly or smoothly.

Turning to a instant buyer

isn’t much different than selling yourself, although it could have more benefits. Different investors provide varying cash offer packages—while one may be able to offer you better pricing, another could waive the home inspection or promise a faster closing. Some also only purchase homes in a certain price range or in good selling condition. It would take a lot of time and legwork to contact different direct buyers and shop around for the best cash offer. But if you take the first offer that comes your way, you might take a steeper discount on your home’s fair market value than if you’d done the homework.

We’ve done our research and we know our Winnipeg market. Therefore, we can tell you about what we can offer you over our competitors. If you are in the process of choosing which instant buyer, give us a call or send us a message and we will be happy to chat about your concerns.

How to Sell Your House Fast

Selling your home quickly should always be the primary focus, no matter the degree of motivation you have. The golden rule of any real estate transaction applies here – “the longer your property stays out there on the market, the more it’s value deteriorates”.     

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